Things are about to get a little personal on the blog today... weird I know.
2011 has been one crazy, busy & successful year. I thought I'd do a little recap, with photos you most likely haven't seen before, photos from my personal collection...
Why start the year (January) with beach photos? Because this is where 2011 all began, Southern California. I had a total of 6 trips to California this year, all for work (see I'm not too personal)... but my sister does live in California so it was a little personal. It was great to spend time with her and her family, she is the gorgeous top right. My sisters boys are avid swimmers, so California screams pools and beaches to me. This year I learned how to Paddle Board. My brother in-law is very involved in the Surf industry and let me try out an SUP, loved it. If any of you are familiar with Southern California, you'll recognize that big orange balloon, its from The O.C. Great Park, located just blocks form my sister, its become a yearly tradition to visit the park and go for a ride. Now I know that you are probably worried that this is during the winter months and I haven't said the word snowboarding yet, don't worry I did PLENTY of that. I got out over 60 times, many of which included photographs. Check out these blogposts to see my EPIC winter season at
Grand Targhee Resort:
Tele Open,
GHEE much?,
Bring on the Snow &
Here Kitty Kitty.
Early 2011 I entered this print combo into a local art show, and guess what? I made it! This combo print was featured for a month in the beautiful Spori Gallery. Wahoo. This year I also Published a Sports photography book, check out the
book or
Welp, we made the move back to Calgary from Idaho. The hardest part? Leave my friends (yeah it just got personal again).
Oh so many friends, love you all, especially you girls..
Top Left: Megan (
T&M: the party,
San Diego Love,
at the park,
Seeing Double - 120, &
MAK.) my best snowboard bud. Not only did we spend spend everyday snowboarding or dreaming about snowboarding, but we also enjoyed some awesome summers boating. Lucky for me, she is in California, so I do see her every so often, but defiantly miss our day to day goofiness! Love ya Mega!
Top Middle: Kaitlin
(MAK &
Seattle.)my girl girl. Kaitlin is always gorgeous, always got something funny to say, and always knows whats going on, unless your in Graphic Design, then she might be clueless(inside joke). In 2010 I visited Kaitlin in
Seattle, and I'm still waiting for her to come visit me in Canada. Despite the long wait to see her, she's been a great friend, always listens, and loves to sweat it out with me in
Top Right: Anissa (
environmentals & also featured in my "University of Faces" book). Nista as I like to call her, was my very first University friend. We were some what random roomies, and instant best friends. If it happened in college, Anissa was by my side. A great example and always supportive of my work. I wish her all the best as she too left Idaho for Washington DC. Go get em Nista!
Bottom: Marisa I cant believe she is not on my blog, she is however on my
website and makes a great model. As you can tell from the bachelorette crown on her head, she is a married woman now, big congrats Maris! Marisa has been one of my best friends since I was 13. We grew up together, snowboarded together, shopped together, gossiped together, and took tons of silly photos together. I can't believe how far we have come together, lots of years together to come, cheers!

Moving means we needed a new home. Lucky for us, we found a great one! Unlucky for us? We had to spend a summer building a fence, building a deck, and putting in grass. Good thing my husband is a handyman because when I say "we" I really mean he did it all. Not that I am afraid to get to work and get dirty, because we all know that is exactly what I like to do, but because we added a new addition to the family, a PUPPY. Driggs is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Love that little guy... well he used to be little, now he's 75lb and full of puppy brains. Needless to say, he made having a fence a priority. Driggs being the big boy that he is needs lots of exercise, so I began walking him off leash with Acara from
See Spot Run dog walking. One thing lead to another and I was doing lots of photos for Acara's Christmas gifts to her clients; photo calendars. Never thought I would consider myself an animal photographer, but I absolutely love it and hope 2012 brings more of it.
Okay so summer wasn't only filled with backyard projects. It was filled with firstly a lot of photoshoots (check out what I was up to in
July &
August), and secondly, a lot of Montana water. When I wasn't busy working I was in Montana. Can you blame me? Its beautiful!
And then came the never ending fall. Its January and it still feels like fall, being the snowboarder that I am, I am hating this. This "fall" has been full of photoshoots, and I am so grateful for that. Thinking that Fall would be my slowest season, has turned into one of my busiest times of year. Big thanks to my clients for that one. If you haven't noticed, this year has also been full of a lot more studio work. I've set up my very own studio, (It can be portable too) and I've not only used it a lot, but I have learnt a lot about studio and continue to love it and its unique abilities.
See my 2011 studio work here:
The Lockings,
Lauren LIGHTS, Sophisticated Pooches,
It's that time,
Just One,
Kate's Real Food,
Women's Night,
After the fact,
Go skate day TRES,
Go skate day DOS,
Go skate day uno,
Film Family,
the newbies,
True Ladies,
Two Finger Knife - II,
Love Uganda &
And then came some big news about 2012.... I will be working with
Great Northern Powder Guides for the winter of 2012. Based out of Whitefish Montana. I'll be the photographing for the
GNPG clients, publications and advertisements. If you haven't heard of them, check them out
HERE, or on
facebook. I'm sure you'll be seeing and hearing a lot ore about them in 2012. Book your cat skiing adventure, and drop my name for a deal :)
Well to some it up, 2011 has been great. I've gained some really great clients, especially on the commercial side which is really taking off for me. I feel like Calgary was a great move not only to see family, but business wise. This year I have produced a lot of studio work, some design/photo work (yeah crazy right?) such as the
Proof Look-book,
Ener-spray website,
Straxa Security logo and a few others. My
book was a big move for me, I hope to do more of that, actually keep it on the DL because I'm working on that! A new
website. A new Studio. A new office. Decals on the Jeep. Of course I had to get another new camera and some goodies. Abbydell Photography has been completely spoiled by non other than its' clients, I owe all of my good times and great success to my clients, family & friends. Thank you for making this year a great one, and stay tuned because there are some great things coming your way 2012!
Also, the photos below are proof that I don't age, I still look 16, so bring on 2012, I'd love to look just a little order than that! Thanks :)