Merry Christmas from Arizona! Family photos while on holidays :)
Archive for 2010
T&J: love story
Meet Janelle & Trevor. They were married one brisk November afternoon in the Cardston Temple. The following day they had a ring ceremony at the Sundance Lake House. Both were beautiful. They both had so much love for one another and all their guests. It was a wonderful atmosphere to work in.
Enjoy your new life together!
Enjoy your new life together!
I have been working on exterior and interior shoots for Melaleuca for a while now. Copperate is opening some new locations and wanted me to photograph the exisiting buildings for showcase in their new headquaters. It is finally complete. Here a a few pictures. I leanred that a lot durring this.
One, I want to work on my own time when doing architecture, because lighting does a lot for a building. Too bad it was on there time.
Two, that people respect a women with a camera. The store interior shoot was jammed with people, but once I said I was working for coperate the employees cleared the customers out of there like there was a bomb in the building. They all watched me photograph while standing out of the way. I'd show more interior, but it is all so similar, but it turned out really well.
So its the beginning of December and the snow is incredible. Already out 3 times. Its going to be a great season. Had to brag a little on here. Big shout out to Targhee, only the best snow.
S&J Hudson
Meet Steve & Jenn Hudson.
They are married one beautiful November Morning in Cardston Alberta. Dispite a little wind, the day was flawless. They were so easy to work with, it was a great shoot! I am in love with the soft winter colors. Congrats you two!